New Feature
Resolution: Fixed
Scott Koranda [2:18 PM]
@chubing I know the answer but want to confirm…the I2 Grouper containers do not include the Voot jar, correct? (The people want their Voot and will not be denied!)
Shilen Patel [2:18 PM]
Just curious, do you have something automated that looks for new tags?
Michael Gettes [2:18 PM]
YouTubeJoe Ramen
Yes - Starship Trooper
Chris Hyzer [2:18 PM]
i think he looks at the release notes page
but tags might be a better way right? :slightly_smiling_face:
i would think sometimes it doesnt matter and a weekly build is fine, but we could request something more frequent? or do we want a build on every single patch?
Chris Hubing [2:19 PM]
Right now, I go and make a new branch and modify
git tells jenkins and jenkins builds it, tests it, and pushes to dockerhub
@skoranda I donut know voot you are talking about. :slightly_smiling_face:
Scott Koranda [2:21 PM]
@chubing Groan…
Chris Hyzer [2:23 PM]
@skoranda voot is not in the installer. should we add?
it doesnt have any jars or anything, maybe we should just put that in the WS install so its not a separate package. it could be a patch too so the so when you add it wont conflict...
Chris Hubing [2:24 PM]
@Shilen Patel It would be nice if we tie those two pieces together… otherwise, I just have a watch on the confluence release page.
Scott Koranda [2:25 PM]
@mchyzer Hmmm. This documentation mentions a Voot jar?
Chris Hyzer [2:25 PM]
i mean there are no third party dependencies
Scott Koranda [2:25 PM]
Chris Hyzer [2:25 PM]
so that java code could just be in the WS jar
and if i put it all in a patch, then the packaging would get it, and if you have the voot jar, it wouldnt conflict or fail or anything
Chris Hubing [2:26 PM]
If you add that to the installer than it’s trivial to put into the container
Scott Koranda [2:26 PM]
Well, there is a large NREN in Europe that would be pleased if Voot found its way into the I2/TIER image and could be easily “turned on”.
Chris Hyzer [2:26 PM]
ok, i will move this to WS and make a patch, ok?
Scott Koranda [2:27 PM]
Great. Thanks. I am away next week but could help test after that.
Can we target a 2.3.x image or would this have to go into a 2.4.x? They have 2.3.x in production right now but are just missing Voot.
Chris Hyzer [2:30 PM]
@skoranda no changes need to be made to web.xml right? someone would need to change that in their container overlay right?
sure on 2.3
Scott Koranda [2:31 PM]
Yeah, we could overlay web.xml easily.