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  1. Grouper
  2. GRP-268

performance improvements



    • Improvement
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • Major
    • 1.4.2
    • 1.4.1
    • UI
    • None


      There are some performance problems in 1.4 UI:

      > ----Original Message----
      > From: Chris Hyzer
      > Sent: Sunday, March 29, 2009 1:49 AM
      > To: grouper-dev@internet2.edu
      > Subject: grouper 1.4 performance
      > Hey,
      > I propose we take a little bit of time to address performance issues in
      > 1.4. I have a few at Penn, and we don't have a huge grouper
      > deployment, so perhaps we could reach out to users and see if anyone
      > else is having performance issues and see if there is some low hanging
      > fruit. In short, I would like to do some simple things to make Grouper
      > scale to large deployments.
      > My definition of a performance problem is if an operation doesn't work,
      > or if it takes more than 10 seconds for a user operation (general
      > usability guideline). Also if there are N queries/rows going on for an
      > operation, and it could be 1 or log(N) or N/100, that is a problem.
      > Here is my proposal to address Penn's issues (below). Note, we are
      > having issues with the UI, so that is what I am concerned about. The
      > strategies could easily be exposed to WS in 1.4 as well, especially if
      > people need it (well, the Stem.getChildGroups and composite stuff will
      > automatically be there, but the member sorting/paging is not
      > automatic).
      > Thanks,
      > Chris
      > Ps. No need to look too closely to the code, unless you are in to that
      > sort of thing...
      > #############################################
      > 1. We have a group of facultyStudentStaff with 60k members, and it is
      > not publicly viewable. So if someone wants to make a "requireGroup"
      > with it (intersection), we need to grant View on it to them. When we
      > do, all members are listed, and the screen never draws in the UI. Gary
      > mentioned not fetching members where the size is too large, but I think
      > it would be better if we could use paging. I added paging into the
      > Grouper Hibernate API, so the query would look like this:
      > (From HibernateSessionTest):
      > i2.addMember(SubjectTestHelper.SUBJ0);
      > i2.addMember(SubjectTestHelper.SUBJ1);
      > i2.addMember(SubjectTestHelper.SUBJ2);
      > i2.addMember(SubjectFinder.findAllSubject());
      > i2.addMember(SubjectFinder.findRootSubject());
      > //this means 3 rows per page, first pagel, of course in reality the
      > page size would be e.g. ~50
      > QueryPaging queryPaging = QueryPaging.page(3, 1, true);
      > //page the members in a group
      > List<Member> members = HibernateSession.byHqlStatic()
      > .createQuery("select distinct theMember from Member as theMember,
      > Membership as theMembership, Field theField "
      > + "where theMembership.ownerUuid = :ownerId and theMember.uuid =
      > theMembership.memberUuid" +
      > " and theMembership.fieldId = theField.uuid and
      > theField.typeString = 'list' and theField.name = 'members'")
      > .setString("ownerId", i2.getUuid())
      > .sort(QuerySort.asc("theMember.subjectIdDb")).paging(queryPaging).list(
      > Member.class);
      > //here are the first three subjects, ordered by subjectId
      > assertEquals("GrouperAll, GrouperSystem, test.subject.0",
      > Member.subjectIds(members));
      > //note, it figured out the total count for us, of 5
      > assertEquals(5, queryPaging.getTotalRecordCount());
      > //total of 5, at 3 per page, means 2 pages. It figured this out
      > too.
      > assertEquals(2, queryPaging.getNumberOfPages());
      > So basically I think we overload some of the group.getMembers() methods
      > (all, immediate, effective) to take a QueryOptions bean which can have
      > paging and/or sorting in it. The results would not be sorted by the
      > display string until we add more cols to grouper_members, which would
      > not be until at least Grouper 1.5. But I think it is a step in the
      > right direction.
      > #####################################################
      > 2. Clicking on a folder with 1000 groups
      > I think we have been discussing going in the direction with privilege
      > management where we can have our interface define more methods so that
      > we can do things efficiently if storing privileges in Grouper, but it
      > is still possible (though perhaps less performant) to have external
      > privileges. I would like to take this one step better where we provide
      > a base class implementation of the privilege interfaces so that there
      > are very few mandatory methods to implement (like now), and there are
      > default high level overridable operation implementations which use the
      > low level privilege operations. Basically this still makes it easy to
      > do external privs. Anyways, for the internal one, cant we do group
      > operations with privs all in one query (granted if the grouperSession
      > is admin, the query will be different, so we need two queries for each
      > operation. Here would be the query for a non-admin listing a certain
      > number of groups from a parent stem. Again, in 1.4 the groups would
      > not be sorted (well, sorted by uuid which is like not being sorted),
      > though in 1.5 since we moved the name/displayName/etc to the groups
      > table, we can easily sort.
      > i2.grantPriv(SubjectTestHelper.SUBJ1, AccessPrivilege.READ, false);
      > i3.revokePriv(SubjectFinder.findAllSubject(), AccessPrivilege.READ,
      > false);
      > i3.revokePriv(SubjectFinder.findAllSubject(), AccessPrivilege.VIEW,
      > false);
      > i4.grantPriv(SubjectTestHelper.SUBJ1, AccessPrivilege.READ, false);
      > i5.grantPriv(SubjectTestHelper.SUBJ1, AccessPrivilege.READ, false);
      > i6.grantPriv(SubjectTestHelper.SUBJ1, AccessPrivilege.READ, false);
      > i7.grantPriv(SubjectFinder.findAllSubject(), AccessPrivilege.READ,
      > false);
      > List<String> uuids = GrouperUtil.toList(i2.getUuid(), i4.getUuid(),
      > i5.getUuid(), i6.getUuid(), i7.getUuid());
      > Collections.sort(uuids);
      > queryPaging = QueryPaging.page(3, 1, true);
      > QuerySort querySort = QuerySort.asc("g.uuid");
      > List<Group> groups = HibernateSession.byHqlStatic()
      > .createQuery("select distinct g from Group as g, Membership as m,
      > Field as f, Attribute as a " +
      > "where a.groupUuid = g.uuid and g.parentUuid = :parent " +
      > "and m.ownerUuid = g.uuid and m.fieldId = f.uuid and
      > f.typeString = 'access' " +
      > "and (m.memberUuid = :sessionMemberId or m.memberUuid =
      > :grouperAllUuid)")
      > .setString("parent", edu.getUuid())
      > .setString("sessionMemberId",
      > MemberFinder.findBySubject(grouperSession,
      > SubjectTestHelper.SUBJ1).getUuid())
      > .setString("grouperAllUuid",
      > MemberFinder.findBySubject(grouperSession,
      > SubjectFinder.findAllSubject()).getUuid())
      > .paging(queryPaging).sort(querySort)
      > .list(Group.class);
      > assertEquals(3, groups.size());
      > assertEquals(5, queryPaging.getTotalRecordCount());
      > assertEquals(uuids.get(0), groups.get(0).getUuid());
      > assertEquals(uuids.get(1), groups.get(1).getUuid());
      > assertEquals(uuids.get(2), groups.get(2).getUuid());
      > #########################################
      > 3. making a composite (intersection or complement) of a small group and
      > a large group. We have a use case where we like to intersect with
      > allEmployees or facultyStudentStaff, etc, and it takes a LONG time to
      > figure out a few members (since it selects all from each group)... I
      > think we can do this all in one query. Also, right now all columns in
      > the membership object are returned, then only the ID is used, so we
      > only need to select the ID. Here is an example of an intersection,
      > complement, and union in one query each (again, proof of concepts in
      > the HibernateSessionTest class):
      > //intersection in one query
      > List<String> memberUuids = HibernateSession.byHqlStatic()
      > .createQuery("select distinct theMember.uuid from Member
      > theMember, " +
      > "Membership theMembership, Membership theMembership2,
      > Field theField " +
      > "where theMembership.ownerUuid = :group1uuid and
      > theMembership2.ownerUuid = :group2uuid " +
      > "and theMember.uuid = theMembership.memberUuid and
      > theMember.uuid = theMembership2.memberUuid " +
      > "and theMembership.fieldId = theField.uuid and
      > theMembership2.fieldId = theField.uuid " +
      > "and theField.typeString = 'list' and theField.name =
      > 'members'")
      > .setString("group1uuid", i2.getUuid())
      > .setString("group2uuid", i3.getUuid())
      > .list(String.class);
      > assertEquals(1, memberUuids.size());
      > assertEquals(MemberFinder.findBySubject(grouperSession,
      > SubjectTestHelper.SUBJ1).getUuid(), memberUuids.get(0));
      > //complement in one query
      > memberUuids = HibernateSession.byHqlStatic()
      > .createQuery("select distinct theMember.uuid from Member theMember,
      > " +
      > "Membership theMembership, Field theField " +
      > "where theMembership.ownerUuid = :group1uuid " +
      > "and theMember.uuid = theMembership.memberUuid " +
      > "and theMembership.fieldId = theField.uuid " +
      > "and theField.typeString = 'list' and theField.name = 'members'
      > " +
      > "and not exists (select theMembership2.memberUuid from
      > Membership theMembership2 " +
      > "where theMembership2.memberUuid = theMember.uuid and
      > theMembership.fieldId = theField.uuid " +
      > "and theMembership2.ownerUuid = :group2uuid) ")
      > .setString("group1uuid", i3.getUuid())
      > .setString("group2uuid", i2.getUuid())
      > .list(String.class);
      > assertEquals(1, memberUuids.size());
      > assertEquals(MemberFinder.findBySubject(grouperSession,
      > SubjectTestHelper.SUBJ4).getUuid(), memberUuids.get(0));
      > //union in one query (granted, this is less of an issue since you
      > need all data from both,
      > //but might as well be consistent)
      > memberUuids = HibernateSession.byHqlStatic()
      > .createQuery("select distinct theMember.uuid from Member theMember,
      > " +
      > "Membership theMembership, Membership theMembership2, Field
      > theField " +
      > "where theMembership.ownerUuid = :group1uuid and
      > theMembership2.ownerUuid = :group2uuid " +
      > "and (theMember.uuid = theMembership.memberUuid or
      > theMember.uuid = theMembership2.memberUuid) " +
      > "and theMembership.fieldId = theField.uuid and
      > theMembership2.fieldId = theField.uuid " +
      > "and theField.typeString = 'list' and theField.name =
      > 'members'")
      > .setString("group1uuid", i2.getUuid())
      > .setString("group2uuid", i3.getUuid())
      > .list(String.class);
      > assertEquals(6, memberUuids.size());




            chris.hyzer@at.internet2.edu Chris Hyzer (upenn.edu)
            chris.hyzer@at.internet2.edu Chris Hyzer (upenn.edu)
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