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  1. Grouper
  2. GRP-3562

Container stop/start corrupts ENV variables containing dollar sign ($)



    • Bug
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • Minor
    • 2.5.55
    • 2.5.30
    • container
    • None


      When running a new container, with variables passed in through -e or --env-file, variables with a dollar sign get corrupted when stopping and starting a container. When the container starts, it saves all Grouper env variables into /opt/grouper/grouperEnv.sh, into an (unquoted) export statement for each variable. Then when a container is stoppeed and then restarted, it executes these lines to set them again. Since the export commands are not quoted, it interprets any value with a dollar sign as something to interpolate variables into.


      I haven't looked into any potential environment flags to pass in that would circumvent reading grouperEnv.sh. Stopped containers should retain their existing environment, so I am not sure what the purpose of this is, since it overwrites a good value with a bad one.


      (Window 1)
      podman run \
        --name grouper_loader_debug \
        -e GROUPER_OPENSHIFT=true \
        --mount type=bind,source=/opt/local/GrouperSyncRunner/log/grouper_loader.log,target=/tmp/logtomcat \
        --env-file=/opt/local/grouper/config/grouper-secrets.env \
        -e 'GROUPER_DATABASE_HELLO=Hello$World' \
        -it unc-idm/grouper-docker:latest daemon
      (Window 2)
      podman exec -it grouper_loader_debug bash
      [root@d148472ac8a7 WEB-INF]# echo $GROUPER_DATABASE_HELLO
      [root@d148472ac8a7 WEB-INF]# xargs -r0a "/proc/1/environ" printf "%s\n" | grep HELLO
      [root@c378c21d16e7 WEB-INF]# cat /opt/grouper/grouperEnv.sh | grep HELLO
      export GROUPER_DATABASE_HELLO=Hello$World
      [root@d148472ac8a7 WEB-INF]# exit
      [(1)idman@idmtools-snd log 566]$ podman container stop grouper_loader_debug
      [(1)idman@idmtools-snd log 567]$ podman container start grouper_loader_debug
      [(1)idman@idmtools-snd log 574]$ podman exec -it grouper_loader_debug bash
      [root@c378c21d16e7 WEB-INF]# echo $GROUPER_DATABASE_HELLO
      [root@c378c21d16e7 WEB-INF]# xargs -r0a "/proc/1/environ" printf "%s\n" | grep HELLO

      Note that in the restarted container, a new process for bash has the correct value. But the Grouper daemon process with id=1 has the wrong value after restarting.

       Logs for the restarted container show that it's executing those export lines as is:

      grouperContainer; INFO: (library.sh) Start loading library.sh
      grouperContainer; INFO: (library.sh) End loading library.sh
      grouperContainer; INFO: (libraryPrep.sh-prep_conf) Start setting up initial pipes
      grouperContainer; INFO: (libraryPrep.sh-prep_conf) GROUPER_USE_PIPES=true
      grouperContainer; INFO: (librarySetupPipe.sh-setupPipe) Setup pipe: /tmp/logpipe
      grouperContainer; INFO: (librarySetupPipe.sh-setupPipe) Setup pipe: /tmp/logsuperd
      grouperContainer; INFO: (librarySetupPipe.sh-setupPipe) Setup pipe: /tmp/loggrouper
      grouperContainer; INFO: (libraryPrep.sh-prep_conf) End setting up initial pipes
      grouperContainer; INFO: (libraryPrep.sh-prep_conf) Loading env vars from /opt/grouper/grouperEnv.sh
      grouperContainer; INFO: (entrypoint.sh) Executing daemon 
      grouperContainer; INFO: (libraryPrep.sh-prep_daemon) export GROUPER_DAEMON=true




            chad.redman@at.internet2.edu Chad Redman (unc.edu)
            chad.redman@at.internet2.edu Chad Redman (unc.edu)
            0 Vote for this issue
            1 Start watching this issue

