- [CO-240] - Warning for null parameters
- [CO-244] - array warnings from consfdemographic.php
- [CO-251] - Errors on load of edit page for demographics
- [CO-252] - Undefined index errors in Demographics
- [CO-254] - Indirect modification errors
- [CO-255] - 'co_person_id' cannot be null on add
- [CO-256] - warning on deletion of demographics
- [CO-257] - Array not imploded before save
- [CO-258] - notice on load of add
- [CO-259] - undefined index in CoNsfDemographics/
- [CO-264] - Missing file errors
- [CO-265] - notice on load of view
- [CO-266] - Undefined index errors in Demographics from REST edit
- [CO-270] - status error in demographics
- [CO-271] - Undefined index notice in Demographics from REST edit
- [CO-277] - sort parameter warnings
- [CO-279] - race and disability should not be required
- [CO-292] - Undefined index errors in Demographics view
- [CO-293] - Undefined index errors in Demographics
- [CO-202] - Salts should be randomized on install
- [CO-226] - Controllers check for subadmin instead of couadmin and related authz fixes
- [CO-228] - COU names are not guaranteed to be unique
- [CO-229] - CousController REST fixes for Cake 2
- [CO-230] - tree behavior broken in COU model
- [CO-231] - Manage My Identity throws errors
- [CO-232] - Sponsor can be someone not in CO
- [CO-233] - View My Demographics errors
- [CO-234] - CoNsfDemographics needs validate for REST
- [CO-235] - CoNsfDemographics SQL error
- [CO-238] - Logout does not appear to invalidate session
- [CO-239] - couadmin not properly calculated
- [CO-241] - SQL error in adding org identity
- [CO-242] - Error in inviting a person to a co
- [CO-243] - Dropdowns not populated in demographics add page
- [CO-245] - authorization handler in AppController method should be array not string
- [CO-248] - Warning for empty variables
- [CO-250] - Error on add/edit for Demographics
- [CO-261] - A user editing his or her CO identity receives an error to 'Please recheck your submission'.
- [CO-263] - undefined variable notice for CoPerson
- [CO-269] - demographics needs REST routing
- [CO-278] - Delete of CO Person with role with extended attributes fails
- [CO-284] - check co_id before calling sponsorList
- [CO-294] - REST errors on add for demographics
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