- [CO-834] - Filter CO Petitions By COU
- [CO-1916] - Break Group Management Page Into Component Tabs
- [CO-1917] - Autocomplete for New CO Group Member
- [CO-1918] - CO Group Member Listing Enhancements
- [CO-1919] - Filter CO Group Members Widget on Members Listings
- [CO-1921] - Combine CO Group Provisioned Services Listing with Email Lists Listing on One Page
- [CO-1923] - After “Add Group” Redirect to Edit Group Page
- [CO-1924] - Break CO Group Listing Into Component Tabs
- [CO-1925] - Default Group Filtering Should Exclude Automatic Groups
- [CO-1959] - Added Group Membership Source to Detailed Group Member View
- [CO-1960] - Dictionary Identifier Validator
- [CO-2025] - BulkLoad Shell Plugin Model Support
- [CO-2036] - Make Logout Configurable
- [CO-2079] - BulkLoad Shell CoGroup Support
- [CO-2087] - BulkJob Command
- [CO-2096] - Update the enrollment flow so that if a verified email address is found in the person record associated with the petition, no email confirmation is sent
- [CO-2121] - Sytlistic cleanup partial
- [CO-2144] - Implement filter banner for Jobs Index View
- [CO-2150] - Enable search/filter for CoEnrollment Index View
- [CO-2186] - Anonymous T&C
- [CO-299] - Registry Assumes Installation at /registry
- [CO-906] - "Search" should be "search"
- [CO-1091] - Duplicate Entries In Search By COU
- [CO-1549] - Search results display duplicates if the person has official and preferred names
- [CO-1591] - Search Slows On Common Names (Large Deployments)
- [CO-1630] - No Enrollment Attribute Default Values When Using Attribute Enumerations
- [CO-1700] - Edit Group Page Loads Slow With Large Number of Group Members
- [CO-1718] - deleting a CO times out
- [CO-1740] - CoPerson record in Duplicate and similar status passed to provisioners
- [CO-1835] - registry is not stripping spaces from identifier
- [CO-1885] - cannot expunge user if member of nested group
- [CO-1946] - MailmanProvisioner stack trace when CoPerson status set to Expired
- [CO-1973] - Group Member select results display duplicates if the person has official and preferred names, and quadruplicates if there is a search filter
- [CO-2017] - Normalization vs Attribute Enumerations
- [CO-2024] - DEV branch is broken
- [CO-2041] - co_petitions index view action column missing when viewer is COU admin
- [CO-2074] - Add/Restore Extended Types Throws Database Save Error
- [CO-2075] - AppController theme_stacking Check Throws Error
- [CO-2076] - Existing Message Templates Throws Error on Notifications
- [CO-2077] - Don't Allow Illogical Validity Dates
- [CO-2084] - PrivacyIdeaAuthenticator references PasswordAuthenticator
- [CO-2090] - Autogenerate Identifiers link for groups fails
- [CO-2093] - Logout redirect broken when URL includes query string
- [CO-2094] - Spinner scrolls with the view
- [CO-2095] - ProvisionerJob Throws Error From JobShell
- [CO-2105] - Authenticator REST API Errors
- [CO-2107] - UnixCluster APIs Broken
- [CO-2108] - Galera Clusters Can Break Assumed CO Numbering
- [CO-2109] - LdapProvisioner Fails To Rewrite Attribute Optins
- [CO-2111] - voPosixAccount ObjectClass Not Written With Attribute Options
- [CO-2119] - Data Filter Bugs
- [CO-2124] - Cannot Verify Email via Application Initiated Enrollment
- [CO-2129] - Fix layout for Invite form
- [CO-2142] - No Identifier for ApiProvisioner on Delete/Expunge
- [CO-2143] - Authentication Events View returns permission denied
- [CO-2147] - Adding GroupNameFilter does not create row in cm_co_provisioning_target_filters;
- [CO-2160] - Some CoPerson index filter by email result in 500
- [CO-2162] - Group owner cannot filter by name when managing group memberships
- [CO-2166] - validateTimestampRange Fails on One of valid_from and valid_through
- [CO-2168] - Only show "CLEAR FILTERS" link on the filters bar when there are filters to clear
- [CO-2170] - Ensure the Enter key on top filter form works without clearing pre-existing filters
- [CO-2171] - Search for Organization in /org_identites search filters results in PDOException
- [CO-2172] - Set App.base location
- [CO-2173] - SqlProvisioner Configuration Save Throws Sql Error
- [CO-2174] - Table Based Layout Causes Rendering Errors
- [CO-2176] - Privileged API Users Cannot Filter CoOrgIdentityLinks API Calls
- [CO-2180] - Localizations can not be used by Shell Jobs
- [CO-2182] - Edit to UnixCluster with changed default group throws 500
- [CO-2183] - CoExpirationPolicy Model does not implement Changelog behavior
- [CO-2184] - MeemEnroller does not properly detect MFA event from environ
- [CO-2189] - Duplicate labels are rendered in the COperson OI detail
- [CO-2190] - Clicking "Verify" email button for unprivileged user results in permission denied
- [CO-2195] - Trust CoPerson Role status during Enrollment
- [CO-2196] - OrgIdentities get extra badges
- [CO-2197] - search.ctp does not support (re)linking views
- [CO-2202] - Global search limit default not recognized by dashboard search
- [CO-2207] - ForbiddenException stack trace for platform admin when in non-member CO
- [CO-2209] - Postgres 13 Errors on database Command
- [CO-2222] - Platform admin cannot upload SSH key via REST
- [CO-2223] - Privileged API user cannot edit SSH key
- [CO-2224] - Privileged API user cannot add SSH key
New Feature
- [CO-60] - Password Management Support Tool
- [CO-552] - Asynchronous Provisioning
- [CO-583] - MessageQueueProvisionerPlugin
- [CO-700] - COU-Specific Terms and Conditions In CO Petition
- [CO-1038] - "Big Red Button" / Locked Status
- [CO-1199] - Require T&C To Complete Provisioning (T&C Enrollment Step)
- [CO-1310] - Make JobShell Fully Asynchronous
- [CO-1533] - EmailTest Console Shell
- [CO-1654] - Enrollment Plugins should be selectable for enrollment flows
- [CO-1748] - Global localization variables in COManage
- [CO-1790] - ApiSource Poll Mode
- [CO-1858] - Organizational Identity Source Threshold Configuration
- [CO-1863] - API to retrieve CO Persons
- [CO-1902] - Match Server Field Configuration
- [CO-1911] - Identity Document Registration
- [CO-1928] - Store Browser State for User Preferences
- [CO-1932] - PrivacyIdeaAuthenticator
- [CO-1951] - UI Theme Stacking
- [CO-1956] - Organization Object
- [CO-1965] - default ordering for identifier assignments
- [CO-2011] - Nested Groups Boolean Logic
- [CO-2031] - MFA Status Tracker
- [CO-2045] - Adding a Certificate linked to a CertificateAuthenticator for a CO Person should cause provisioning
- [CO-2089] - voPersonToken
- [CO-2157] - JiraProvisioner
- [CO-1504] - Migrate From Material Design Lite to Bootstrap
- [CO-1741] - Review LdapProvisioner Records On Various Statuses
- [CO-1980] - Switch Docker repository default branch from "master" to "main"
- [CO-2054] - UI/UX CO Person canvas/OrgIdentities index refactor field presentation
- [CO-2070] - Review Existing Selenium Based Testing
- [CO-2071] - Transition Path For Selenium Automation
- [CO-2106] - Revise AttributeEnumeration API
- [CO-612] - People and Group Pickers
- [CO-929] - Hierarchical Representation of COUs
- [CO-1172] - Enable Normalizations for OrgIdentity Data When Pooled
- [CO-1385] - Add CO Job History to CoExpirationPolicy Execution
- [CO-1571] - Instantiate Enrollment Flow Plugins
- [CO-1610] - Requiring T&C approval of petitioner for invitation enrollment is less useful
- [CO-1743] - Include filter for "My Groups" vs. "All Groups" in groups filtering
- [CO-1785] - Improve CoPerson::recalculateStatus Handling of Suspended Status
- [CO-1865] - FileSource More Flexible Configuration
- [CO-1870] - COU admin link to CoPerson role on co_groups view
- [CO-1935] - Containers should use certificates directly from secret files
- [CO-1944] - Improve styling of the top bar when it is empty
- [CO-1957] - Improve Login Experience / Speed
- [CO-1958] - Add class .co-dialog to all predefined dialog box containers
- [CO-1969] - Replace spinner with CSS-only loading animation
- [CO-1997] - Identity linking flow using EnvSource creates additional CoPerson record
- [CO-2003] - CoPetitions and CoInvites views when debug is false but failure occurs
- [CO-2027] - Add Support for HTML and BOTH Email formats
- [CO-2038] - clearcache command should allow environment variable to point to cache directory
- [CO-2039] - Dockerfile should set default CACHEDIR environment variable
- [CO-2062] - Container image for development include DebugKit
- [CO-2082] - Message body fields in email template cannot be marked as required by backend
- [CO-2098] - Fix generic dialog box label for accessibility
- [CO-2102] - Return generic validation error were no `Message` key is defined
- [CO-2115] - Stylistic cleanup post-Bootstrap update
- [CO-2135] - Render MVPA View action with lightbox
- [CO-2145] - Add filtering block in COU index view
- [CO-2153] - Container image environment variable to set database port
- [CO-2169] - Ensure submit buttons highlight on keyboard focus
- [CO-2179] - Refactor 'My Population' filtering block
- [CO-2185] - Refactor OrgIdentities filtering block - User search.ctp instead of
- [CO-2188] - Identifier source/provenance in SQL Provisioner
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