- [CO-1342] - Incorrect MVPA Types for Enrollment Attributes
- [CO-1475] - Don't Permit Hidden Enrollment Attributes With No Default Values
- [CO-1942] - Enable unauthenticated SMTP relay in COM container
- [CO-1994] - Unticking Establish Cluster Accounts does not prevent account creation at enrollment
- [CO-2016] - Link for Authentication Events fails when identifier is a URL
- [CO-2035] - Identity cannot be fully expunged
- [CO-2037] - CO Admin is unable to close petition if stale in Pending Confirmation Status
- [CO-2043] - SqlServer Does Not Support Non-Standard Ports
- [CO-2046] - User panel is not presented correctly in Mobile
- [CO-2047] - COmanage Registry cron Docker image should disable cache
- [CO-2048] - LDAP Provisioner reprovision all job only writes one DN into cm_co_ldap_provisioner_dns
- [CO-2049] - REST API 400 on UTF-8 Characters
- [CO-2052] - REST API Errors
- [CO-2055] - Select element does not align properly
- [CO-2056] - Select element does not align properly
- [CO-2060] - Privileged API user cannot delete CoPersonRole
- [CO-2064] - ApiSource Incorrectly Assigns primary_name
- [CO-2065] - Enrollment Flow Triggered From Pipeline Times Out If Email Not Configured
- [CO-2066] - Enrollment Flow Triggered From ApiSource Has Wrong URL in Confirmation
- [CO-2067] - Unauthenticated EstablishAuthenticators Requires Authentication
- [CO-2078] - Do Not Auto-Expire CoPersonRole in Grace Period Status
- [CO-2080] - Primary Groups Not Auto-Created For All Unix Accounts
- [CO-2091] - comanage-registry:3.2.1-internet2-tier-1 container image build fails when installing supervisor with an upgraded pip
- [CO-2092] - LDAP Provisioner emtis voPosixGroup objectclass for simple CO Group with no UnixCluster attached
- [CO-2097] - Add/Restore Default Templates for Enrollment flows fails for CMP admin
- [CO-2100] - Names API Returns Unauthorized
- [CO-1947] - Review Terminology
- [CO-2061] - Better configuration of console logging for container image
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