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  1. COmanage
  2. CO-2735

Allow skipping of Pipeline execution and Match Strategy during manual relink



    • Improvement
    • Resolution: Unresolved
    • Major
    • COmanage Match Future
    • COmanage Registry 4.3.2 (Ruddy Rex MR2)
    • Registry
    • None


      When an admin wants to unlink an existing OrgId created by an OIS and then manually relink it to a different and existing CO Person record the admin should probably be given the choice of not having a Pipeline attached to the OIS execute on the OrgId. Further, if the admin does choose to have the Pipeline execute on the OrgID, the admin should be given the choice to have the Match Strategy for the Pipeline ignored, because after all the admin is specifically choosing unto which CO Person record the OrgId is being linked manually.

      This ability to skip the Pipeline execution and Match Strategy is important when the OrgId and its previously linked CO Person record share the same email address–the Match Strategy causes the Pipeline to "find" the "old" or previously linked CO Person record and that is not what the user probably intends (and in fact with version 4.3.x it throws an error and the new link is rolled back).




            benn.oshrin@at.internet2.edu Benn Oshrin (internet2.edu)
            scott.koranda@at.internet2.edu Scott Koranda (uwm.edu/illinois.edu)
            0 Vote for this issue
            1 Start watching this issue

