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  1. Grouper
  2. GRP-1250

Improvements to the convertLDAPMemberDnToSubjectIdOrGroup method within the LoaderLdapElUtils class



    • Improvement
    • Resolution: Unresolved
    • Minor
    • None
    • 2.3.0
    • grouperLoader


      New pull request was created at https://github.com/Internet2/grouper/pull/53 . This is added functionality/bug fix to a previous pull request that was approved (https://github.com/Internet2/grouper/pull/50) . Please consider adding the changes to future patches or releases.

      • Added code to address if the dn of member contains a forward slash "/" . This may have already been addressed in a grouper patch. We didn't see an issue in our dev environment, which is patched, with dn's that have forward slashes. In our test environment, which is not patched, we did. Hence the condition to address this scenario.
      • Changed one of the arguments from being the baseDn (domain component) to BaseOu (full dn of the OU to be loaded into grouper).
      • Added code to address when nested groups exist outside of the OU that is to be loaded into grouper. The change in the code will ignore such groups, and won't create them in grouper.

      The pull request was done in the 2.3 branch, but if the developers would like to have included in the 2.2.2 or 2.2.3 branches, we can submit pull requests for those. Thanks!




            chris.hyzer@at.internet2.edu Chris Hyzer (upenn.edu)
            mshaher Marwan Shaher (Inactive)
            0 Vote for this issue
            1 Start watching this issue

