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  1. Grouper
  2. GRP-2470

New Content - Expanded examples of ACMs



    • Documentation
    • Resolution: Unresolved
    • Minor
    • None
    • None
    • grouperDeploymentGuide
    • None


      1. Expanded examples of ACMs  (Access  Control Models)
      2. Lay out the overall model from theoretical standpoint
      3. Have more concrete examples?
      4. Some of this is in the Grouper training lesson plans
      5. Should we expand further on the ACM sections in the GDG?
      6. Chris: the concrete examples would vary so much depending on the architecture.
      7. Perhaps just plug the training in the GDG?
      8. Have another discussion on this to decide what are the optimal examples
      9. There is a template for allow/deny use case
      10. Descriptions called out at Madison training were useful
      11. Oregon has a plan for big clean up to become consistent w GDG
      12. A description of the models will be helpful 
      13. Chris: we should reach out to survey community to find out most common access control models
      14. Community Contribs could help a lot here and help new adopters. To see actual implementation  of what’s in the GDG. 
      15.  Models are to call out standard patterns of access governance within the community. Common names for the patterns makes it easier to talk about and helps new implementers.  Models are targeted to IAM analyst. 
      16. Comment: the names for Access Control patterns have been helpful
      17. Summary: more discussion needed, possibly a survey




            bill.thompson.2@at.internet2.edu Bill Thompson (lafayette.edu)
            bill.thompson.3@at.internet2.edu Bill Thompson
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