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  1. Grouper
  2. GRP-3729

entitlement does not get removed



    • Bug
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • Minor
    • 2.6.9
    • None
    • None
    • None


      Jeffrey Crawford:away: 6 days ago
      I seem to be finding an issue with removing a an entitlement when a subject is removed from a group. I followed the instructions for the provisioning framework demo5. Every works as expected when performing a full sync, however the incremental sync seems to only be able add an entitlement, and never remove it. I selected the "Delete memberships if deleted by Grouper" config for deleting memberships. Incremental will add the string but not remove it from the attribute. I won't even work if I select "Delete memberships if not exist in Grouper" as the delete memberships option. I'm trying this on 2.5.58. Can't move to 2.6 just yet. Again a Full sync will add and remove the entitlement attribute correctly, only Incremental removes seems to be having issues.
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      Jeffrey Crawford:away: 6 days ago
      I also noticed something else odd, if I add and remove the same account and then add it again, it doesn't bother to search for the record to add it again, like it knew it was already there.

      Jeffrey Crawford:away: 13 hours ago
      Afternoon Chris, looking like has the same behaviour, not sure whats going on, it will remove the group when I do a full sync, but not with the changelog incremental job.
      Adds are fine, deletes are the problem.
      Added to your saved items

      Jeffrey Crawford:away: 10 hours ago
      Okay not sure if what I'm looking at is the correct thing but I was comparing the logs from the add to the delete, and one thing I noticed is that on the delete there is a field "grouperEntityCount" and it's 1 for the adds but it was 0 for the delete:
      provisionerClass: LdapSync, configId: provisioning, provisioningType: incrementalProvisionChangeLog, state: sendChangesToTarget, changeLogItemsApplicableByType: 1, recalcEventsDuringFullSync: 0, checkErrorsBack: 2min, syncGroupsToQuery: 1, syncGroupsFound: 1, retrieveSyncGroupsMillis: 3, syncGroupCount: 1, convertToFullSyncScore: 1, recalcEventsDuringGroupSync: 0, syncMembershipsToQuery: 1, syncMembershipsFromMembership: 1, retrieveSyncMembershipsMillis: 6, syncMembershipCount: 1, syncMembersToQuery: 1, syncMembersFound: 1, retrieveSyncMembersMillis: 0, syncMemberCount: 1, retrieveDataStartMillisSince1970: 1639436040446, retrieveGrouperMshipsMillis: 7, grouperMshipCount: 0, retrieveGrouperGroupsMillis: 3, grouperGroupCount: 1, retrieveGrouperEntitiesMillis: 3, grouperEntityCount: 0, provisioningEntitiesToDelete: 1, provisioningMshipsToDelete: 1, retrieveGrouperDataMillis: 17, filterGroupFieldsAndAttributesCount: 1, filterEntityFieldsAndAttributesCount: 2, provisioningGroupWrappersWithNullIds: 2, retrieveTargetDataMillis: 0, provisioningMembershipWrappersWithNullIds: 1, processResultsSelectMembershipsFullCantUnresolveMemberships: true, syncObjectStoreCount: 3, finalLog: true, queryCount: 14, tookMillis: 88, took: 0:00:00.088

      Chris Hyzer < 1 minute ago
      ok we will fix this :slightly_smiling_face:




            chris.hyzer@at.internet2.edu Chris Hyzer (upenn.edu)
            chris.hyzer@at.internet2.edu Chris Hyzer (upenn.edu)
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