
    • Story
    • Resolution: Done
    • Minor
    • None
    • None
    • None


      Implement the ability to display and process the filter list.

      Requirements/Acceptance Criteria:

      On initial entry

      1. [Filters]:  Displays [Title] [Actions] [Filters Table] where
        1. See Filter List wireframe
        2. [Title]:  Displays [Icon] 'Edit Metadata Provider - ' [Metadata Provider Name] 'Metadata Provider' where
          1. [Icon]:  Displays 
            1. As shown in wireframe
          2. [Metadata Provider Name] :  Displays
            1. Name value as entered on Create Metadata Provider page
        3. [Actions]:  Displays [Add Filter] [Save Changes] [Cancel] where
          1. [Add Filter]: Displays [Icon] 'Add Entity Attribute Filter' where
            1. Button
            2. As shown in wireframe
            3. [Icon]:  Displays
              1. As shown in wireframe
            4. Clickable
          2. [Save Changes]:  Displays [Icon] 'Save Changes' where
            1. Button
            2. [Icon]:  Displays
              1. As shown in wireframe
            1. Clickable
          1. [Cancel]:  Displays 'Cancel'
            1. Button
            2. As shown in wireframe
            3. Clickable
        1. [Filters Table]:  Displays [Tabs] [Col Heading] [Col Data] where
          1. Table
          2. One row per Metadata Provider
          3. [Tabs]:  Displays [Filter List] [Common Attributes] [Reloading Attributes] [Metadata Filter Plugins] [Advanced Settings] where
            1. [Filter List]:  Displays 'Filter List'
              1. Active
              2. Protected
              3. As shown in wireframe
            2. [Common Attributes]:  Displays 'Common Attributes'
              1. Second tab
              2. Inactive
              3. Clickable
              4. As shown in wireframe
            3. [Reloading Attributes]:  Displays 'Reloading Attributes'
              1. Third tab
              2. Inactive
              3. Clickable
              4. As shown in wireframe
            4. [Metadata Filter Plugins]:  Displays 'Metadata Filter Plugins'
              1. Fourth tab
              2. Inactive
              3. Clickable
              4. As shown in wireframe
            5. [Advanced Settings]:  Displays 'Advanced Settings'
              1. Fifth tab
              2. Active
              3. Protected
              4. As shown in wireframe
          4. [Col Heading]: Displays 'Filter Name' 'Filter Type' 'Enabled?' 'Edit' 'Delete'
            1. Top of table
            2. As shown in wireframe
          1. [Col Data]:  Displays [Filter Name] [Filter Type] [Enabled] [Filter Edit] [Filter Delete] where
            1. [Filter Name]:  Displays [Up Arrow] [Down Arrow] [Position] [Name] where
              1. As shown in wireframe
              2. [Up Arrow]:  Displays
                1. Arrow pointing up
                2. Clickable
              3. [Down Arrow]:  Displays
                1. Arrow pointing down
                2. Clickable
              4. [Position]:  Displays
                1. Current position in the table
                2. Text only
                3. Numeric
              5. [Name]:  Displays
                1. Name value assigned when filter was created
            2. [Filter Type]:  Displays 
              1. Filter type selected when the Filter was created (current selection Entity Attribute Filter only)
              2. Regular text
            3. [Enabled]:  Displays
              1. Checkbox
              2. If Filter has not been enabled
                1. Unchecked
                2. As shown in wireframe
              3. If Filter has been enabled
                1. Checked
                2. As shown in wireframe
            4. [Filter Edit]:  Displays
              1. Icon as shown in wireframe
              2. Clickable
            5. [Filter Delete]:  Displays
              1. Icon as shown in wireframe
              2. Clickable

      If Add Filter is clicked

      1. Display add new filter.  This story is defined in the multi-entity id selection requirements (As an admin I want to provide selection criteria (i.e. regular expression) for a filter so that a filter can target a particular enity(ies) in a metadata provider).

      If Save Changes is clicked

      1. Save all modifications made to the filter list
      2. Display the Metadata Providers tab on the dashboard

      If Cancel is clicked

      1. Do not save any modifications made to the filter list
      2. Display the Metadata Providers tab on the dashboard

      If Up Arrow is clicked

      1. If filter is currently at the top of the list
        1. Do not move
      2. If filter is not currently at the top of the list
        1. Move filter to next position up in the list
        2. Subtract 1 from Position
        3. Add 1 to Position of filter dropped down in the list

      If Down Arrow is clicked

      1. If filter is currently at the end of the list
        1. Do not move
      2. If filter is not currently at the end of the list
        1. Move filter to next position down in the list
        2. Add 1 to Position
        3. Subtract 1 from Position of filter moved up in the list

      If Enabled is clicked

      1. If Enabled is currently checked
        1. Uncheck
      2. If Enabled is currently unchecked
        1. Check

      If Edit is clicked

      1. Display the filter selected

      If Filter Delete is clicked

      1. Remove the filter from the list
      2. Move all filters up one row in the list
      3. Subtract 1 from the Position of each filter moved


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            mmosbrook Mary Mosbrook (Inactive)
   Steven Erickson (
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              Time Tracking

                Original Estimate - Not Specified
                Not Specified
                Time Spent - 2 days, 5 hours, 2 minutes Remaining Estimate - 2 days, 3 hours
                2d 3h
                Time Spent - 2 days, 5 hours, 2 minutes Remaining Estimate - 2 days, 3 hours
                2d 5h 2m