- [CO-2518] - Enrollee being forced to authenticate in an enrollment flow that doesn't require enrollee authentication
- [CO-2601] - CoreApi requests apparently misrouted
- [CO-2611] - Error during enrollment flow causing an interruption: Undefined variable $vv_petition_token and $vv_co_petiton_id
- [CO-2613] - Database specific response for REST APIv1 CoGroup
- [CO-2621] - Job Errors Cause Unexpected Exits and Stale Locks
- [CO-2626] - CoInvites reply.ctp view does not render COU and Group Member attributes properly
- [CO-2641] - Petition Enrollment Flow Link Broken For Archived Flows
- [CO-2643] - Enrollment flow interrupted when "Accept" button double clicked
- [CO-2644] - Running Expiration Job from command line causes multiple errors to be printed
- [CO-2656] - Uploading SSH Key Throws Stack Trace
- [CO-2661] - Index filters containing a space throw error
- [CO-2664] - Incorrect OIS Group Mapping For Multiple Group Entries
- [CO-2670] - container COMANAGE_REGISTRY_ENABLE_PLUGIN typo
New Feature
- [CO-1637] - Disable Non-Admin CO Group Creation
- [CO-2646] - Fix hyperlink in Authenticator Reset text (Recovery Widget)
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