- [CO-2639] - Use value from container env COMANAGE_REGISTRY_VERSION to display version
- [CO-2331] - Ensure regular groups added via an API call appear in the "Regular Groups" listing
- [CO-2380] - Errors when deleting non-empty CO
- [CO-2563] - CO Person save takes too long for deployments with many COUs
- [CO-2592] - Unable to delete COs containing person role records with non-null manager/sponsor relationships
- [CO-2603] - Normalizations run after the validations
- [CO-2615] - IdentifierEnroller plugin can be called multiple times using browser back button
- [CO-2616] - Error when duplicating a CO that has a configured SqlProvisioner Provisioning Target
- [CO-2622] - SqlSource Multiple OIS Bug
- [CO-2638] - Cannot edit invitation enrollment flow attributes without a COU
- [CO-2642] - edit_contains is missing from EnrollmentFlow Wedge Controller
New Feature
- [CO-859] - Support Upload of RFC 4716 SSH Public Key File
- [CO-2581] - Make Namespace Assigner Name Type Configurable
- [CO-2597] - Open Researcher and Contributor ID should verify entry data
- [CO-2631] - Add Support for eduPersonAffiliation to SqlProvisioner
- [CO-2565] - Email Dashboard Widget Plugin should not load Vuejs more than once
- [CO-2257] - CoMessageTemplate should strip whitespace from mail addresses in CC and BCC
- [CO-2514] - COPY slashRoot
- [CO-2554] - Add Table Prefix to SqlProvisioner
- [CO-2580] - container build script should check bash and getopt versions
- [CO-2598] - container make PHP base version build argument
- [CO-2624] - Core API limit query parameter max value increase
- [CO-2625] - Increase cm_kafka_servers.brokers column size
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