- [CO-1909] - People Picker for CO Person Role Sponsor
- [CO-104] - api_users not correlated against cm_identifiers
- [CO-165] - Schema update generates "Possibly failed to update database schema"
- [CO-1253] - Unlink Breadcrumbs For Unauthenticated Users
- [CO-1366] - Collaboration Index Should Be Alphabetized
- [CO-1372] - Large POST to update group memberships fails
- [CO-1437] - Error For Manage Group Memberships With Large Memberships
- [CO-1458] - POST API calls slowing down as registry size increases
- [CO-1459] - Do Not Send Notifications To Expired Users
- [CO-1477] - LDAP Provisioner apply LDAP Schema Plugin objectClass to only person or group records
- [CO-1570] - Schema Updates Fail To Resize Columns On Postgres
- [CO-1576] - Duplicate Petition Merge Bypasses Approval
- [CO-1592] - Cannot Edit Identifier Assignments on Large Deployments
- [CO-1624] - EnvSource with Self Signup Cannot Verify Email
- [CO-1666] - When managing group membership, names are shown instead of CoPersons
- [CO-1694] - Cannot edit Role for CO when COUs are defined
- [CO-1695] - Main menu collapses when accessing sub menus
- [CO-1703] - Services portal link created with wrong cou parameter
- [CO-1726] - OrgIdentity duplication fails
- [CO-1752] - CO Person is not allowed to view all its linked Org Identities
- [CO-1795] - Administrative Enrollment Throws Error On establishAuthenticators
- [CO-1826] - SSH Authenticator key upload fails for non-privileged CoPerson
- [CO-1827] - SSH Authenticator key is not provisioned or deprovisioned from LDAP
- [CO-1832] - Incorrect calculation of CO membership
- [CO-1833] - View throws Undefined index notice
- [CO-1834] - enrollment without email confirmation fails
- [CO-1841] - Cannot set default value for enrollment attribute
- [CO-1842] - Unable to delete authenticator
- [CO-1843] - establish authenticators during enrollment flow fails for existing CoPerson
- [CO-1845] - REST API username is a two word prefix
- [CO-1852] - API User for CO 401 Unauthorized
- [CO-1853] - Platform API User menu item is missing
- [CO-1855] - Terms and Conditions div too small and does not resize
- [CO-1856] - Canvas displays View button for identifiers when it should not for non-admins
- [CO-1859] - Add a new enrollment flow does not render correctly
- [CO-1860] - Reprovision All for LDAP Provisioner does not re-provision CoGroups
- [CO-1861] - User menu bad formatting
- [CO-1862] - Identifier not recorded as login for OrgIdentity created with EnvSource during linking flow
- [CO-1868] - Identifier Assignment Context set incorrectly during upgrade
- [CO-1883] - Platform admin cannot view configured announcement channels
- [CO-1884] - nesting not deleted when group deleted
- [CO-1886] - Announcements should not show up in menu during enrollment
- [CO-1895] - CODepartment type is not working properly
- [CO-1896] - search button does not have focus
- [CO-1910] - Breadcrumbs should not be included in Enrollment Flow Introduction page
- [CO-1912] - CO Person expunge fails
- [CO-1930] - Review Permissions For People Finder
- [CO-1934] - CO Level Themes do not apply to invite views during Enrollment
- [CO-1943] - Non environmental default values are not honored during Enrollment
- [CO-1945] - CoPipelines edit broken
- [CO-1953] - Group membership mgtment page shows all names for each user
- [CO-1954] - Group members of Closed groups can not perform action View
- [CO-1955] - Enrollment flows with attribute g:co_group_member fail
- [CO-1962] - Self-signup enrollee cannot overwrite name value in form provided by environment variable
- [CO-1963] - identifier assignment fails during enrollment
- [CO-1964] - enrollment flow stalls in Approved state when identifier assignment fails
- [CO-1966] - LDAP Provisioner removes unconfigured attributes when LDAP attribute options enabled
- [CO-1967] - Undefined index:icon in CoDashboards/configuration.ctp
- [CO-1971] - Update cm_registry_tz_auto Cookie
- [CO-1977] - LDAP record not deleted when CoPerson is expunged
- [CO-1982] - Custom Enrollment flow Themes should not apply for Petition View pages
- [CO-1986] - LDAP Provisioner does not remove group/role information when CoPerson goes Suspended
- [CO-1987] - gidNumber for posixAccount not provisioned to LDAP when CoPerson status is Suspended
- [CO-1988] - Deleting Provisioning plugin causes fatal error
- [CO-1989] - LDAP Provisioner does not provision voPosixAccount objectClass
- [CO-1990] - UnixCluster account created during enrollment flow despite configuration
- [CO-1992] - Deleting UnixCluster causes bad redirect
- [CO-1998] - Unix Cluster Accounts Not Removed on Expunge
- [CO-2009] - UnixClusterAccounts View Does Not Correctly Filter By Cluster
New Feature
- [CO-721] - Group as Group Member
- [CO-860] - SSH Keys via REST API
- [CO-866] - UnixAccount Model
- [CO-867] - posixGroup Support
- [CO-1087] - Collect SSH Keys During Enrollment
- [CO-1137] - Identifier Assignments Using Other Identifiers
- [CO-1164] - SQL Provisioner
- [CO-1343] - Pipeline External Match Strategy
- [CO-1451] - Provisioning of CO Services
- [CO-1489] - Bulk Initial Load
- [CO-1496] - Search on "co_groups" Page
- [CO-1658] - Support for message-on-denied-petition template
- [CO-1675] - Email Confirmation via OIS Sync
- [CO-1685] - Group Paginator "Jump to Page"
- [CO-1697] - Visually indicate COU when filtering CoPeople index (My Population) by COU
- [CO-1719] - please create an api to crud sshkey-s
- [CO-1721] - midpointProvisioner
- [CO-1727] - Job Progress Meter
- [CO-1730] - Org Identity Source Person API
- [CO-1732] - CO Person Date of Birth
- [CO-1733] - Multiple Provisioning Groups Per Provisioning Target
- [CO-1742] - Identifier Assignment Random Letters
- [CO-1746] - RedirectOnConfirm Should Support return_url
- [CO-1801] - Provision Group Using Identifier Instead of Name
- [CO-1804] - Enrollment Flows View filtering and pagination support
- [CO-1817] - Apply Identifier Assignments to CO Groups
- [CO-1864] - Add OIDC Sub Identifier Type
- [CO-1867] - OIS Attribute Pass Through (Ad Hoc Attributes)
- [CO-1875] - CoDepartment types
- [CO-91] - REST Authz
- [CO-951] - Allow Null COU
- [CO-1179] - Default Petition Sponsor Should Be Current User
- [CO-1216] - Asynchronous "Reprovision All"
- [CO-1405] - Service Token Enhancements
- [CO-1490] - Merge "My Groups" and "All Groups"
- [CO-1493] - SshKey Authenticator
- [CO-1615] - CoGroup to have attributes
- [CO-1659] - Instead of printing error about REMOTE_USER, redirect to login
- [CO-1713] - Correct faulty markup in Plugin submenus of "My Identity" menu
- [CO-1731] - Make Org Identity index filter box behavior similar to CO Person Index filter box behavior
- [CO-1744] - Add ability to clear individual filters (and "Clear All") on top filter bars
- [CO-1780] - Make Service Portal cards fully clickable
- [CO-1818] - githubProvisioner Invitations Support
- [CO-1824] - Add search by email in CoPerson's REST API
- [CO-1837] - upgradeVersion should execute SQL to change column type for PostgreSQL
- [CO-1851] - Improve Relinking of OIS Identities
- [CO-1869] - "View" action buttons rendered on CoPerson and OrgId canvases when they should not be (or views are inaccessible that should be)
- [CO-1876] - Ensure filter dropdowns are keyboard accessible
- [CO-1881] - Create person filter for Edit Members Page
- [CO-1891] - COU Role Attribute Title label is ambiguous
- [CO-1893] - CO Localization Text field is too small
- [CO-1908] - Attribute List in Enrollment Attributes Configuration is flat
- [CO-1996] - Docker image run cake database once after enabling configured plugins
- [CO-1913] - Add link to Contributor License Agreement
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